As a parent, you’re told repeatedly to make sure your kid wears a hat. When they’re too little to know any better, popping them into a super cute number is as easy as pie. A bit older though, and you’d think you were waging a world war when trying to get them into something sun-safe. Trust us, we’ve seen it ALL before, and we’ve gotten pretty good at achieving world (hat) peace. Here are our top tips:
Let them choose the brand & design
This is the simplest rule: If they love it, they’re far more likely to wear it. It’s okay to settle for something less than perfect - let’s face it, getting a 14 year old to wear a legionnaire is an absolute mission - but take heart in the fact that something is infinitely better than nothing.
Don’t force the issue
The more your push, the harder they’ll resist. Play the long game with gentle tactics such as steps 3 and 4.
Subtly show their role models wearing a hat
Whether they’re surfers, skaters or cricketers, sneaking in photos of their heros in a hat they could wear is a handy tactic.
For us, that’s the awesome likes of Blakey & Soleil, world surf champions who rock their surf hats. They’ve inspired many a grom into wearing their surf hat, and we love them for it!
Get “cool Uncle Jim” to give it to them
It’s an age-old tactic that works a treat. Rope in an older sibling that they look up to, or a cool Aunt or Uncle, and you may just get some traction.
Still struggling? You can use a little bit of the guilt to get them into it if they’re still resisting (“Uncle Jim will be there and it’d make him sad if you weren’t wearing your hat” or “I promised Auntie Jen I’d send a video of you in your hat”). Thanks Jen and Jim!
Put a story behind it
Like any one of us, kids will buy into a good cause or an interesting story. You don’t have to go far to find a purpose-driven brand and hopefully one that will spark their interest. Major points if you can find a podcast about it and put it on in the car for the older ones. If they think it’s their idea, or they can track you about it, you’re onto a winner.
Our kids surf hats and caps are designed to protect your groms but also to look good out there. No boring grey, black or dad-vibes on us. Discover our toddlers to teens collection.